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[英语资料] 托福考试之我见

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使用道具 举报

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使用道具 举报

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-12-20 16:57:13 | 显示全部楼层
被民间称之为变态的新托福,主要体现在人机对话的口语考试上。虽然是人机对话,但还是人评分 (引用官方: The responses are digitally recorded and transmitted to ETS's Online Scoring Network, where human raters evaluate them.尽管目前也在考虑用e-rater,但其评价的正确性很具争议!)。所以从这个层面上来讲,你要把机器想象成人,有感情地,自然地与“他”交流。就是不要有应付的感觉,和背诵的感觉, 尽管在练习的时候是一定要经过背诵的。
    首先,T1, T2 --------做到有备无患!!!
    T1,是描述题。属生存口语话题,绝对送分题。就其准备而言,要从人物类(persons),物品类(objects),地点类(places),事件类(events) 着手,每一类准备4-5篇左右。可以参考雅思口语的第二题。雅思口语里给出的答案要比托福口语要求的要长,因为它要求是在一分半钟左右说完的,而托福口语只需要45‘’。 所以你要做的事情很简单,就是做一个缩写的工作,或者根据它的套路,把自己情况描述进去。然后背诵下来。 到这儿,还不算完事,最关键的是一定要对照镜子或墙或你的朋友(如果你足够幸运有这样的朋友愿意享受你的英文的话)说出来,同时还要计时,并且反复多次,争取每次都要超过上一次的记录,无论是在清晰度,流利度,语速,还是时间方面都要有所超越,这样临场面对电脑的时候你才不会紧张。
    T2, 是选择题。属阐述观点题。多数为学习和生活类话题。准送分题。A or B,选择一个,并能自圆其说,为什么选它。可以正面三点论述,也可以两正(+)一反(-)论述。准备时可参考最具权威的TWE185,也可以参考雅思口语的第三题(不完全相似,但至少可以提供理由支持),建议写出10-20个左右的段子,然后背诵并说出来(具体步骤同上)。
    其次,T3, T4 读-听-说(R-L-S) 综合题----做到听读双赢!!!
    ETS 的综合题的出题思路,是根据母语的学习思路设计的。所以试回想一下我们在语文课堂上做的事,就是老师让你读完一段然后总结段落大意。这里稍微复杂一点的是,增加了听的环节(因为是外语的缘故)。那么这道题有两个对策:
    T3, 是dialogue-based, campus-related issue. 相对比T4  容易,而且具有非常清晰固定的模板。所以考试前非常熟悉模板,考试中,主要记笔记。然后把阅读材料中的主要内容和听力材料中的观点和理由填进去就可以了。记笔记时采取纵向提纲记录法:
    Reading:  _____________ (关键词如announcement, notice, proposal  etc. 常出现在标题和首句中 )
    Listening: _____________ (记住是男声,还是女声,做一个M或W的标记,主要是为接下来阐述的过程中he /she 的自由转换做好定位,否则没有定位,考官会感到confused.  自然你的高分梦想就敬而远之了。  之后对reading 里的态度,是支持还是反对,因为语言都是现成的,所以只记录一个符号,+或- 就可以了。)
             1) Reason 1 / R1:  ___________________
             2) Reason 2/ R2:   ___________________
             3) Reason 3/ R3:   ___________________  (有时没有R3)
    a. 听读观点一致版:
In the reading material, we learn that the college/university is considering _____________.
In the listening material, the man/woman agrees with (thinks ... is right)___________. One reason he/she gives is that _____________. Another reason is that _____________. He/ She also thinks (points out/ has found) that_____________. (如果有的话)
Therefore, he/she likes the idea.
    b.  听读观点对立版:
In the reading material, the college/university is considering _____________.
In the listening material, we clearly learn that the man/woman doesn't like the idea of/that ______________ (of +V-ing. ; that + clause) One reason he/she gives is that _______________.
Another reason is that ___________________. He/She also thinks (points out/has found) that ___________. (如果有的话)
Therefore, he/she disagrees with that opinion.
    注: 我这里把他们作为典型提供一个思路,同学们要根据不同的内容对第一句进行适当的调整。
T4, 是lecture-based, academic topic. 相对T3 学术一些。关键是熟悉一定的背景词汇,这样不会因为题目的陌生而恐慌。不过考试的设计思路总是可以破解的。通常阅读部分是一个definition或explanation. 听力部分是教授的详细讲解,大致由points 和examples 两个板块构成。所以在记笔记的时候,主要记这两点。具体如下:
Reading: _______________ (标题和首句中的关键词. 比如:boycott, forest fire, emotional intelligence, etc.    1-2句话完成)
Listening: _______________ (就一个人唱独角戏,听完是M 还是W, 那么以后人称就确定了,he 就是he, she 就是she, 不会像T3 那样产生干扰。)
               1) point 1 + example 1
               2) point 2 + example 2
               3) 小结
In this set of materials, the reading passage explains/ gives a definition of _______________. It states that ______________. In the listening passage, the professor gives a talk on _________. He brings up the fact that _________________.He goes on to further explain that ___________. By these means, he proves that _______________.
    注:此题主要考察一个能力----- paraphrasing 。通俗点说,就是同义替换,平时要多注意积累同一意义的多形表达,这一点,也不用刻意去拿别的教材去学,托福的两门输入课程,听力和阅读材料已经足矣。主要在于你是否留心。 这也是我一向主张的观点————
    最后, T5, T6. 听-说(L-S)综合题------- 做到速战速决!!!
这是最后一道类型题了,可以在心态保持非常平稳的情况下,速战速决!速战速决不是草率,而是你已经有了前期T1 ,T2 的练嘴热身,中期T3, T4的严密逻辑,就能做到T5,T6的稳抓稳打。而且只要听懂就能说的出。听懂已经不再困难,你只要把听力课上10%的力量用在口语上,便可信手拈来。
T5, student-related problem and solutions, 纯属日常校园口语话题。 3/4转述+1/4的个人观点选择,技术含量6个题目中最低。因为转述就是照葫芦说瓢的事;个人观点选择题在T2的准备过程中已经很熟。另外,要熟悉人物。人物角色通常分三种情况:S1---S2, S-P, S- O
(S代表 student, P 代表 professor, O –other staff member, 就是教务人员,包括TA , advisor, librarian, administrator 等等)  因为在作答时,需要把具体的人物提出来,比如S1-S2类型的要说,the man或male student, the woman 或female student。 其他两个类型要具体说the professor…., the advisor ….等等。
(切记: 要注明是M/W,还是两个人共同 (both)面对的问题, 这种情况会出现,尽管几率较小。那么听力关键词就是 we 。)
Solution 1: _______________________
(是another male/female student, professor, 或其他人员提出的, 还是两个人一起提出的)
Solution 2: _______________________ (同Solution1)
Your preference and explanations: _____________________
a. 两人共同问题版:(尽管是两个人共同面对的问题, 也是一个人唱,一个人合)
This is a discussion between two students who ____________________. The male/female student is trying to decide whether to _____________ or to ________________. One of the solutions the two students come up with is that ____________________. The other solution is ___________________. I tend to agree with the second (通常你要同意的那个solution 放在第二位) solution because if he/she _______________ (用虚拟表达,were to +V.  V-ed) , he /she would ____________________.
And he/she would also _____________________.
The discussion is between_______________ and __________________. The (male/female) student is telling his/her friend (professor, advisor etc.) about ______________. He/ She is torn between ________________ and _____________. His/Her friend (professor, advisor etc.) suggests he/ she ________________ (此空也为虚拟表达必须用动词原形)
He/She (提出方案人的人称, 就是friend ,professor, advisor之类的) also tells her /him (问题人的人称,通常与提出方案人的性别是相反的,所以he 与her 相对, She 与him 相对。这里不要混淆。) she/he should _________________.
I think the second idea serves his/her purpose because it would be better/ very helpful if he/she ______________(用虚拟表达,were to +V.  V-ed). And if I were him/her, I would also _________________.
    注:你的选择无所谓正确与否,还是坚持自圆其说原则。在解释你的选择时,可以用对话中人物的理由作为论据支持,也可以结合自己个人的经历,但是点到为止,避免游离该题的 focus. 因为your situation =/= the speaker’s.
    另外,提高日常会话能力的绝招------ 就是狂读OG(里面没多少)和蓝三角中的对话听力材料。如果你是长线考生,就是说你有足够的备考时间,那么可以去书店买相关的书,或网上下载一些资料,也是狂读,足够你度过国外初期的survival period;考试以后,还建议学习一些俚语,还是狂读,然后知其所云,迅速融入圈子,从一个outsider 变成一个 insider.
T6, lecture. 一学术段子。完全不带个人观点的100%的转述。通常此题被业内人士认为是最难的。T4 也是学术段子,但至少还有阅读辅助,可以进行预测。
    首先,弄清教授的讲话思路---- 就是美国人的论证思维模式, 即topic- point - detail -example的总分模式,topic分成几个points 来说, 几个details 构成大并列来阐述一个point, 几个examples又构成小并列说明一个detail, 这样像洋葱式的层层剖开。其实, 不管题型有多么千变万化,也不管内容又多么扑索迷离,ETS的口语出题思路都是这样的。 因为这就是美国人的思维方式,不像我们,喜欢把最重要的放在最后。甚至为了设置悬念,还有“欲知后事如何,且听下回分解”的评书式表达法。
    其次,熟悉讲话内容。 通常分以下三种类型:
1.现象---因果型 (phenomenon--- causes and effects)     即:提出现象---解释因果
2.过程---功能型 (process- functions)           即:描述过程---解释功能
3.理论---应用型 (theory- applications)        即:介绍理论---论述应用
    但是有的lecture 不这么规则化, 会把三种情况综合到一起。因此,该题也没有固定的模板,但有灵活的框架。下面以题为例作以清晰导航:
An aura is _________________________________________________.
Example: __________________________________________________.
Common characteristics of migrains: ____________________________
Process of migraine:
----- __________________________________________
----- _________________________________________
----- _________________________________________
Possible way to prevent migraines from occuring: _________________________.
2)作答时,根据要求,因为此题不是要求你转述整个lecture 的内容。而是抓住部分观点。就像你真的在大学上课听老师讲课一样,不一定要把老师的每一句话都记下来。 所以此题要有极强的笔记功夫。比如此题的要求是:Using points and examples from the lecture, explain what migraines are and how they occur.
    首先, 考试之前,你不一定知道aura是什么,但它作为开篇提到的词,你肯定把它像上面提纲里那样记录在笔记之上了。然后听到了解释和例子,(这是必然的,所以听到陌生词也不要恐慌。)提纲中的第一行和第二行的信息就这样被捕捉了。但是,是有用信息还是无用信息呢?你也不知道,直到后来你听到migraines 这个词高频出现。结果,问题中migraines就被主要问到。因此要审题,不要费力不讨好。结合笔记,把多余的删除。
The lecture tells us about migraines. A migraine is a _____________________________________.
The migraine itself involves ____________________ and other symptoms, such as __________.
Doctors suspect a possible cause ___________________________________________________.
The brain then _____________________________________, which results in pain. Migraine sufferers should try to identify ______________________________________________.
注: T3-T6平时练习时,也要记录时间。
   ●文章数量 3-5篇;
   ●字数 700 / 篇;
   ●单题分值 1-4分;
   ●是否有漏题统计——有, “review”图标;
   ●生词注解 - 蓝色下划线;
   ●速度要求 100 words/min;
   ●问法: The word/phrase XXX is closest in meaning to____
   1. 首先看是否认识,如果认识,在选项中找同义或近义词,并代入原文检验。
   2. 如果不认识,将4个选项代入原文,看上下文是否合理。
   3. 看原词所在句子前后2句,找重复对应。
   4. 如果选项中有2个选项都在上下文中合理,选择在含义上与原词沾边的词。
   5. 选项中不认识的词不轻易去选。
   ●问法: The word they/ their/ it/ its/ some in the passage refers to
   1. 单复数 it找单数名词或名词性词组 they找复数名词或名词性词组
   2. 在主从复合句,并列句中,后半句的代词主语优先指代前半句主语的核心词(有例外,要从意义判断)
   3. 简单句中,代词优先指代主语核心词,次之制代宾语核心词.
   4. 代词所在句子找不到合适的指代,优先指代前一句主语,次之指代后一句宾语
5. 一句话中,相同的代词指代相同
   ●问法:According to the passage, what/ which/ why/ when?
   1. 题干明确定位 (如给出第几段, highlight) ;
   2. 题干无明确定位;
   1. 时间前后推理
   2. 排除法
   3. 不要加入自己的观点
   ★举例说明概述题 (例子的作用)
   1. 重点不是例子本身,而是举例子的目的及例子的服务对象。
   2. 概述的同义改写就是答案。
   1. 待插入的句子中,代词 this, these their, it, such, he, another 这些通常是上一句]提过的,所以才特指
   2. 因果,转折等过渡词 therefore, so, however, as a result, consequently, on the contrary
   3. 递进扩展词 furthermore, also, as well, too, other, in addition, moreover, besides, even, additionally
   4. 结构配对词on the one hand…. On the other hand some…others
   5. 关键同义词重复出现的adj. Adv. N.
   ●问法: which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence
   1. 有新内容,或有相反内容
   2. 遗漏了原文中重要信息
   ●考全文key points的总结 (不只一个key point) 。
   1. 原文没有的新内容,或在程度,范围上发生变化。
   2. 与原文相反。
   3. 有原文中的细节 (细节不该是key point) 。
   1. 通常文章采用对比写法。
   2. 有无用的选项。


1. in the lecture, the professor made several points about ...... .the professor argues that..... However, the reading passage contends that ......The professor's lecture casts doubt on the reading by using a number of point that are contrary to....

2. the first point that the professor uses to cast doubt on the reading is that....According to the professor...... .....differs from the reading in that the reading states.....The point made by the professor casts doubt on the reading becasue....
3. Another point that the professor uses to cast doubt on the reading is....The professor claims that.....However, the reading states.....This point is contradicted by.....

4. Finally,the professor stated that ,on the contrary of reading,......In other words,.....This directly contradicts what the reading passage indicates,because.....
  反驳的单词,differ from ,disagree with, cast doubt on, conflict with, challenge
5. In the lecture, the professor made several points about...The lecture argues that.....The points made by the professor agree with .....In fact, the examples used by the professor support...
6. Furthermore, the professor bolsters the reading by stating that....
  The professor claims that.....This point agrees with the reading ,which contends that.....
7.Finally, the professor states that ,in support of the reading,.....Specifically,.....This perfectly reinforced what the reading passage indicats because

  support的单词有:enhance, uphold, corrobo,to back, justify, to substantiate, to advance

The lecture is mainly discussing ______, ________ and ___________by _________, challenging what are stated in the reading passage that _________, _________ and _______.
First of all, the speaker thinks that ___________. In contrast, the reading passage believes that _____________. So, the lecture totally disagree with the view made in the reading.
Second, the speaker discusses ___________, Contradicting what is stated in the reading that _____________________.
Finally, the speakers raises the issue that ___________. This point disagrees that ________________ demonstrated in the reading.
 So, the contents in the reading passage are totally jeopardized by the speaker and the speaker has totally different ideas on the topics made in the reading.


  In the lecture,the speaker believes that....听总....However,this departs from the reading passage,which contends that...读总.....The lecture by the professor, undoubtedly,casts doubt on the reading.

  Firstly, the speaker discusses that........Contrary to the belief in the lecture, the reading passage maintains that.......Therefore, this directly contradicts what the passage indicates.

  Secondly, the speaker argues that .......... the reading passage, conflicts with the lecture, raises the issue that..............This is another part where experience contradicts theory.

  (若是反对最后一段要这样写):Finally, the speaker takes the position that............The reading passage, which demonstrates that………… Hence, the contents in the reading passage are totally jeopardized by the speaker and the speaker has different ideas on the topics made in the reading.

  若是支持要这样写:Finally, the professor illustrates that, in support of the reading,..........This present the same view what the reading passage indicates, because the passage says that...........

  In conclusion, the lecturer holds that...,....,and ..... which cast doubt on the central standpoint of the reading.

   Introductory paragraph:
   s a matter of fact, the issue of whether _________________ is a complex and controversial one. One the one hand, many people may feel that _________________, and correspondingly _________________; on the other hand, it can be noted that _________________ and hence _________________. There is no universal answer to this question; so various people can hold conflicting opinions due to their distinct backgrounds and values. As far as I am concerned, while I agree that under some circumstances _________________, however, is _________________. My view can be greatly substantiated by the reasons addressed below.
   Body paragraph:
   Authority/Quotation/Expert Opinion
   XXX, CEO of XXX Company, which is  _________________, once pointed out (and I paraphrase) that _________________. This illustrates the point that _________________.
   Professor XXX, highly respected and well-known professor at  _________________, once pointed out (and I paraphrase) that_________________. This illustrates the point that _________________.
   As head of X Department at my university once said (and I paraphrase): “….” This illustrates the point that _________________.
   According to a recent survey conducted by the XXX department of XXX University among AAA. NN percent of AAA CCC. The result of the survey also indicates an increase of over NN percent within NN years in the rates of BBB. Researchers of XXX believe that _________________. In AAA where not CCC, the occurrence of such problems drops dramatically.
   Such non-mainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science.
   According to a recent survey conducted by the sociology department of Peking University among 10 biggest cities in China, 53.7 percent of respondents believe in ever-lasting life after death and fortune-telling. The result of the survey also indicates an increase of over 8 percent within 5 years in the rate of visiting temples. Researchers believe that these problems mainly result from the inability of mainstream science to satisfy the human needs for explanations of abnormal phenomena. In cities where the level of science-popularization is high, the occurrence of visiting temples for fortune telling drops dramatically.
   Concluding Paragraph:
   To conclude, there is no easy solution to such a complex issue, however, taking into account all the dimensions of the issue discussed in the above analysis, might be the first step out of the dilemma.
   In sum, it is very likely that people will be able to arrive at the same conclusion on this controversial issue due to their different experiences, and conflicting values. Nevertheless, public awareness of the various dimensions of the issue discussed above argument will certainly contribute to the thorough understanding of the problem.
   In conclusion, while some people may still remain unconvinced, the reason that I have analyzed in above argument should at least make them aware of the complexities of the issue under discussion. There is little doubt that more and more people will come to realize that _________________.
   To sum up, there are still several other aspects relevant to the issue under discussion, which, unfortunately, I have no time to explore in detail here. But the above-discussed reasons should in a large sense justify my conclusion that _________________.


  一、 the + est + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc)
  the most + 形容词 + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/ heard/ had/read, etc)
  例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.
  Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had.
  二、Nothing is + er than to + V Nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + V
  例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education.
  三、 cannot emphasize the importance of too much.(再怎么强调……的重要性也不为过。)
  例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.
  四、There is no denying that + S + V ……(不可否认的……)
  例句:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse.
  五、It is universally acknowledged that + 句子 (全世界都知道……)
  例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us.
  六、There is no doubt that + 句子 (毫无疑问的……)
  例句:There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.
  毫无疑问的我们的教育 制度 令人不满意。
  七、An advantage of is that + 句子(……的优点是……)
  例句:An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won't create (produce) any pollution.
  八、The reason why + 句子 is that + 句子(……的原因是……)
  例句:The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air./ The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for us.
  九、So + 形容词 + be + 主词 + that + 句子(如此……以致于……)
  例句:So precious is time that we can't afford to waste it.
  十、Adj + as + Subject(主词)+ be, S + V (虽然……)
  例句:Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory.
  {by no means = in no way = on no account 一点也不}
  十一、The + er + S + V, the + er + S + V
  The + more + Adj + S + V, the + more + Adj + S + V (愈……愈……)
  例句:The harder you work, the more progress you make.
  The more books we read, the more learned we become.
  十二、By +Ving, can (借着……,……能够……)
  例句:By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy.

   下文中出现的 A,B, “...”(某事物), "sb"( somebody),要在写作中要根据上下文进行适当替换.
When it comes to ..., some think ...
There is a public debate today that ...
A is a commen way of ..., but is it a wise one?
Recentaly the problem has been brought into focus.
Now there is a growing awareness that...
It is time we explore the truth of ...
Nowhere in history has the issue been more visible.
... but that is only part of the history.
Another equally important aspect is ...
A is but one of the many effects. Another is ...
Besides, other reasons are...
Suppose that...
Just imagine what would be like if...
It is reasonable to expect...
It is not surprising that...
For example(instance),...
... such as A,B,C and so on (so forth)
A good case in point is...
A particular example for this is...
One of the greatest early writers said ...
"Knowledge is power", such is the remard of ...
"......". That is how sb comment ( criticize/ praise...).
"......". How often we hear such words like there.
(先说故事主体),this story is not rare.
..., such delimma we often meet in daily life.
..., the story still has a realistic significance.
There are many reasons for ...
Why .... , for one thing,...
The answer to this problem involves many factors.
Any discussion about this problem would inevitably involves ...
The first reason can be obiviously seen.
Most people would agree that...
Some people may neglect that in fact ...
Others suggest that...
Part of the explanation is ...
The advantages for A for outweigh the disadvantages of...
Although A enjoys a distinct advantage ...
Indeed , A carries much weight than B when sth is concerned.
A maybe ... , but it suffers from the disadvantage that...
To understand the truth of ..., it is also important to see...
A study of ... will make this point clear
Certainly, B has its own advantages, such as...
I do not deny that A has its own merits.
>From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw
the conclusion that ...
In summary, it is wiser ...
In short...
One of the greatest early writers said ...
"Knowledge is power", such is the remard of ...
"......". That is how sb comment ( criticize/ praise...).
"......". How often we hear such words like there.
   Useful quotations
by Robert Collier
In every adversity there lies the seed of an equivalent advantage. In every defeat there is a lesson showing you how to win the victory next time.
by Ann Landers
Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them.
by Ralph Waldo Emerson
No one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourselves.
Confucius 孔子
Our greatest glory is not in never falling...
but in rising every time we fall.
Mother Teresa
To keep a lamp burning we have to keep putting oil in it.
Henry Ford
Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it inuo small jobs.
Winston Churchill
Never, never, never, never give up.
Albert Einstein
In uhe middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
by Crassus
Those who aim at great deeds must suffer greatly.
Thomas Edison
There is no substitute for hard work.
Leo Tolstoi
The strongest of all warriors are these two- Time and Patience.
Thomas Jefferson
I’m a great believer in luck,
and I find the harder I work...
the more I have of it.
Robert Collier
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.
Ray A. Croc
Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get.
You’ll learn more about a road by traveling it...
than by consulting all the maps in the world.
Vince Lombardi
Winning isn’t everything...
but wanting to win is.
John F. Kennedy
We choose to go!to the moon and other things , oot because they are easy, but because they are hard.
The strong do what they will.
The weak do what they must.
John Wooden
Talent is God given--Be Humble.
Fame is man given-- Be Thankful.
Conceit is self given --Be Careful.
Theodore Roosevelt
Do what you can , with what you have , with where you are.
Publilius Syrus Maxim
No one knows what he can do till he tries.
There is nothing so easy but that it becomes difficult when you do it reluctantly.
Thomas Fuller
A wise man turns chance into good fortune.
William Hazlitt
Prosperity is a great teacher;
adversity is a greater.
William Penn
No pains, no palm;
no thorns, no throne;
no gall , no glory;
no cross, no crown.
Will Rogers
Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over... if you just sit there.
Opportunity rarely knocks on your door.
Knock rather on opportunity’s door if you ardently wish to enter.
Vince Lombardi
It’s not whether you get knocked down.
...It’s whether you get up again.
Winston Churchill
An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity;
a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
James Allen
The will to do springs from the knowledge that we can do.
Samuel Johnson
Few things are impossible to diligence and skill.
Lost time is never found again.
No problem can stand the assault of sustained thinking.
Victory belongs to the most persevering.
Leave no stone unturned.
Norman Vincent Peale
Plan your work for today and every day;
then work your plan.
Henry Ford
Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again.
Thomas Edison
I start where the last man left off.
What the mind of man can conceive and believe,
the mind of a man can achieve.
Benjamin Franklin
Plough deep while sluggards sleep.
Henry David Thoreau
In the lone run men hit only what they aim at.
Emily Dickinson
Luck is not chance...
It’s toil...
Fortune’s expensive smile is earned.
Thomas Edison
Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.
Useful Quotations
Albert Einstein
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Walter Begehot
The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
Abraham Lincoln
I will prepare and some day my chance will come.
Henry Ford
Whether you think you can or think you can’t -- you are right.
English Proverb
Where there’s a will there’s a way.
There is no failure excepting no longer trying.
Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity

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楼主是牛人...我4 6级都过了,为何还是感到托福词汇需求超高?...

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