
楼主: スモモ

[材料范本] 研究计划书,学习计划书等

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-26 14:53:00 | 显示全部楼层


学習計画書范例 私はXXXと申します。貴校に入って、勉強を継続することができるように私は心から希望しています。私は2002年7月に上海師範大学から卒業しました。その大学は教育学の研究で有名である。在学期間、私は中国言語文学を専攻としたのです。専門の学習のほかに、私は余裕時間を利用して、日本語を勉強しました。世界文学授業のお陰で、日本作家の作品に触れたこともあります。夏目漱石とか、紫式部などそれぞれの作家の作品は私の日本言語や日本の文化に対する興味を起こした。その時から、将来日本語の教育及びその研究に力を入れたくなってきました。早稲田大学に入りたいのは、それは世界でも有名な学校であるからです。特に早稲田大学日本語教育研究科の先生の「教育の理論と実践の完璧結合」は私に深い印象を残した。ですから、私は貴校での勉強を通して、将来日本語の教育及びその研究に準備したいです。日本に行った後の学習計画1、別科に入ったから、日本語の口頭表現と作文に力を入れたいです。私はもう日本語能力検定試験(一級)をパスしましたが、でも、中国で良好な日本語学習環境がないので、日本語の聞くと話す能力があまり足りていません。しかし、文章の表現力は将来研究科に入ると、講義やレポートや論文の完成に不可欠な能力だと思っています。ですから、別科の勉強を通して、自分の日本語を全面的に引き上げたいです。2、別科での学習が終わったら、貴校の日本語教育研究科で学業を続きたいです。大学卒業論文のきっかけに、私は川端康成の『雪国』にちょっと研究しました。『雪国』の中に表している日本特有の美に夢中になるようになった。ですから、私は日本語言語教育及び色々な表現力を大学院での中心としたいです。それと同時に、中日両国の言語文学と文化の比較を通して、方法論を身につけたいです。大学院の課程が終わったら、私は中国に帰って、日本語教育の仕事に従事し、自分の学んだものをもっと多くの中国人の若者に伝えて、それから、中日両国教育界の交流に力を入れたいです。現在、私は留学できるように、それから、日本語を身につけるように頑張っています。貴校が私の申請を批准してくださることを心からお祈りします。
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-26 14:54:00 | 显示全部楼层


关于别科学习计划书OkComputer的建议:1 可以从经历写起,比如是如何开始学的日语,在工作中如何使用日语等等,可以略详细一点,说说在学习过程中遇到的困难、取得的成绩。。。。。但一定要落在自己的语言水平还很一般这点上,表达自己希望通过别科的学习来巩固知识、并打算上大学院的理想。 2 然后谈谈你打算选的专业以及对这个专业的理解,要详细一点、专一一点,要让学校觉得你很有目标。3 毕业以后的事情要写的稍微模糊一点,就说如何利用自己所学的知识对中日两国之间作出贡献就行。 不知道你报的哪所学校,学校不一样要求也不同,总的说来要注意措辞诚恳、朴素,要符合自己的学生身份,字数大概在800左右,注意书写和语法。 njbeer先辈的建议:庆应蛮好的,不需要保证金。而且手续非常简单。只不过录取率不是很高啊。老实讲,我当时在报庆应的时候也是不知道该怎么写计划书。还是请教了我在早稻田的大学同学现在的前辈,才知道大致该怎么写。原本已经不知道到哪里去了,把我大概记得的内容告诉你吧。别科是学日语的,所以在写计划书时要始终围绕日语来讲。我记得好像用了很大的篇幅讲我为什么要学日语。无非是在大学里学的日语不正宗啦,听日语比较困难啦,以及学好日语充当中日两国的友好使者啦(鬼知道友不友好)等等。然后讲讲怎么学,也就是学习方法,分为书面,口头,听力三个部分就可以了吧。至于毕业以后的进路能不讲就不讲,实在非讲不可就含糊带过。最后要讲讲你的意欲,也就是学习日语的热情,就说些套话就行了。对了,你是哪个大学的?我感觉庆应在录取学生的时候好像有些以大学出身取人,跟我一起报庆应的一个同事是青岛大学的,而我是南京大学的,结果我被录取了,虽然她也许还有些另外的因素,但是可能也会作为一个基准吧。在庆应我认识的中国人中,有很多是北二外,川外,上外的,还有象南开,吉大等学校的。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-26 14:55:00 | 显示全部楼层

Chemical Engineering学习计划 En

Electrochemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Transport Phenomena and Thermodynamics
Having obtained my Bachelor's and Master's degree in Chemical Engineering at the ABC Institute of Technology and DEF University, respectively, and having spent the past fifteen years serving as assistant researcher at one of the highest ranked research institutes in my country, XXX Institute of Science & Technology, my primary academic interest now is to attend your esteemed doctoral program in chemical engineering. My areas of concentration will be electrochemistry, polymer chemistry, transport phenomena and thermodynamics.
My professional and academic goals are interrelated. Having been awarded the prestigious government scholarship given by the Ministry of National Defense, I have a strong sense of responsibility to augment my present academic and research capabilities so as to best contribute to my country. After I earn my Ph.D., I want to return to Taiwan to assume university professorship while at the same time serving as research fellow at the XXX Institute of Science & Technology. This institution leads the way in research breakthroughs in each of my areas of concentration. I would regard this a realization of decade long work effort and dream. I am convinced that my knowledge will equip me for a leadership role in national defense research projects, especially in surface finishing and anti-corrosion. It is regarded as the next step forward in Taiwan's attempts to acquire an efficient and modern military. It utilizes superior technology to fight early corrosion of weapons under extreme fighting conditions.
I believe my qualifications for a Ph.D. program are excellent in both academic and professional terms. Upon completing my undergraduate degree in the first place of my graduating class, I began to host a wide variety of research oriented responsibilities as an assistant researcher and technologist at Taiwan's highest ranked institution, the XXX Institute of Science and Technology. My role is multi-faceted as I am in charge of R&D for printed circuit boards, surface finishing, dip brazing and waste treatment. My efforts came into full fruition when I was awarded a prestigious scholarship by the Ministry of National Defense to pursue my doctorate in chemical engineering.
My academic work has illustrated a strong penchant for advanced research methods and objectives. Because of my superior performance at the XXX Institute of Science & Technology, in 1985 I was selected to attend the Graduate Institute of Chemical Engineering at DEF University, where I focused my study on the field of phase transfer catalyst. On the processing of completing my master's degree, I worked on my master's thesis entitled "Kinetic Study of Stilbene Synthesis with Benzyltriphenylphosphonium Bromide as Phase Transfer Catalyst ". (for details please refer to Atachment I) My intended results were successfully carried out. My methods were very attractive industrially as cis-stilbene is much more expensive than its trans-isomer. The paper was very well received in the defense establishment. Upon resuming my research post at XXX, I have also been able to publish another paper " Comparison of Wear Characteristics between Ni-AI2o3 Composites and Ni Deposit " at the Specialized Processes and Techniques Session of the AESF SUR/FIN 1989 Technical Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.. (for details please refer to Attachement II) Needless to say, I undertook very complex research objectives in these projects, and I am very proud of the positive reception in science journals and academia.
The experience of working as an assistant researcher for such a outstanding institution has been very rewarding and challenging. I am well versed in all facets of research experience. I can conduct an independent project from beginning to end, from posing and defining a question to accessing the conclusion via creative experiment designs and methods. From learning under the tutelage of the nations best professors, I have gained a strong foundation in practical research experience.
In conclusion of my personal statement, I would like to state that I have in the last decade familiarized myself very thoroughly in the field of Chemical Engineering. A Ph.D. is a culmination of all the hard work I have instilled in my academic and research performance. I believe my excellent academic and professional background speak for themselves, and is underlined by the military's willingness to grant me the financial support I need to complete my doctoral degree. I believe that the fundamental principles I have learned while immersing myself in the fields of electrochemistry, thermodynamics, kinetics, and transport phenomena -- will help me tremendously in solving problems in these areas. In conclusion, I believe that my strong background in performing research and my solid academic grounding qualify me an excellent candidate for the doctorate program. The knowledge I will receive in the Ph.D. program will be indispensable for my service to my country. I sincerely look forward to the challenge of studying in your excellent university. It is a challenge that I have spent the last decade preparing myself for.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-26 14:55:00 | 显示全部楼层

Civil Engineering学习计划 En

I have always known myself to be specially gifted in the areas of math and sciences. My family and elders have always instilled this belief in my talents, elevating my sense of purpose to beyond that of a purely financially rewarding career. I believe that Civil Engineering will give me a direct influence on my country's environmental policy. I firmly believe that an opportunity to participate in such an esteemed graduate program will prepare me for the rigors of this very challenging career.
My academic background and achievements have left me very proud. I skipped my senior year of high school to enroll in the ABC University's physics program at the age of 17. I was ranked number one in the department during both semesters. However, I soon began to doubt the worth of a career in academia alone. My special sense of purpose drove me to choose a more applicable and assertive career. I chose to transfer to civil engineering.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my past three years in the civil engineering department. In no way have I shortchanged myself academically by switching departments. I have maintained my top-notch academic performance by achieving a perfect GPA. In my junior year I worked as a research assistant in ABC's Graduate Institute of Applied Mechanics, proceeding with an ASA (an optimization program) code modification. Such exposure gave me the background and motivation to complete a thesis on Boundary Element Method. I am very proud to have been given this rare opportunity. It is very uncommon for an undergraduate to be given primary responsibilities in graduate level research projects and it is highly rewarding to see that my faculty recognizes my talents.
After working on studies for the Graduate Institute, I chose hydraulic and environmental engineering as my specialization. Within this specialization I have had the opportunity to study a wide range of subjects. My courses have included coastal engineering, applied hydraulics, introduction to fluid mechanics, viscous flow, basic environmental science, and environmental protection. Recognizing the need for intellectual flexibility and vitality I have kept my mind open to hydraulic and environmental engineering's other challenging subjects. My mind has been exposed to selected courses in structural theory (II), theory of elasticity, stress wave propagation, and so on. Again, my faculty has recognized my special talents as I have been asked to work as a teacher's assistant after graduation.
As for my future study plans, I would like to gain advanced training in Environmental and Water Studies. In this area I want to further concentrate in Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Environmental Engineering. As I have shown in the past, I am open to all other pertinent sources of knowledge that fit into an American graduate civil engineering degree. I want to have the ability to reinforce my ability in research and problem solving.
My future goals start with me first completing my Masters, and then later my PhD in civil engineering. After this I want to return to Taiwan and be awarded a full professorship. I would also like to work in a research fellowship. Most importantly, I want to return to Taiwan and help reverse our nation's serious pollution problems. As I have stressed, I am against conducting my life only in the realm of academia. This is why I have chosen the exciting field of civil engineering, a field that will take me right to the forefront of Taiwan's ecological problems and solutions.
In conclusion, I think my academic achievements serve as a strong testament to my capabilities and to me achieving my long-term goals. I believe my future pursuits will be just as successful as my past ones. I also believe that a strong program like yours will be invaluable in my realization of my life's goal.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-26 14:56:00 | 显示全部楼层

Electrical Engineering 学习计划 En

Among the various issues that I wish to involve myself with in the telecommunications industry, I would most like to focus my energies in the areas of network modeling and design, and digital signal processing for communications systems. Specifically, I would like to work in the high speed integrated networks for metropolitan areas - the modeling and design of access schemes and routing protocol for Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (B-ISDN). While my focus in graduate school will be primarily related to telecommunications, I do think that I would be able to supplement this education with training in network related courses that are offered by the Department of Computer Science. The interdisciplinary approach that I would like to take in my education will ensure that I will have a broad-based grounding in my overall education. The modern world necessitates that professionals should be able to undertake many different roles and provide multiple functions in their employment. A diverse course of study should allow me to maximize my academic experiences through the graduate program.My academic experiences in the field of electrical engineering began when I attended ABC Institute of Technology. Throughout my years with this institution, I was continuously maintained a high level of academic achievement. The marks that I received gave me a top 5% ranking in my graduating class. While in this program, I was introduced to many basic core issues in electrical engineering, many practical projects, and many important research projects.
My education was not limited to the classroom or the laboratory, but instead I choose to become a leader in the overall student community. The most exciting work that I undertook was associated with my role as editor for my department journal. In this capacity I was associated with the latest international developments through international journals, the latest locally sponsored research, and the most important researchers in the local community. Besides the editing work that I performed, I was a very regular research assistant for many locally sponsored research projects at my university. The Automation Center within this university is very famous nationally. The center receives the bulk of national sponsorship and industry wide recognition. I also participated in many seminars that were sponsored by this department in association with their work in automation.
After completing my undergraduate education, I began my mandatory two-years of military service. I was awarded the position of a Second Lieutenant and Communications Officer. After a brief stint in this role, I was transferred to work in the communications department of the Presidential Palace. Working in this type of role has been one of the greatest achievements in my life. I was asked to supervise all of the installation of a new communications system, and the maintenance of this system and the operations system in this, the head-of-state's headquarters. Certainly, everyone understands the vital security interests that are associated with this type of posting and I correspondingly took great pride in this role. To have worked in such an important role and at such a young age was something that I had never expected. The contribution that I was able to make to my country is something that I will not forget in a short time.
After completing this military service, I was able to gain employment with a local Taiwanese telecommunications company as an R&D Engineer. Our company had begun as an affiliate of Motorola in the Taiwan market. Since this initial role, the company has been able to develop into a manufacturer of various Fax machines and other cellular phone type technologies. While Taiwan is a relative newcomer to this industry, there is an enormous potential for local developed telecommunications technology. I would like to help this company further advance their capacity to develop local products through our own R&D and manufacturing enhancements. For many years, Taiwan has only been an OEM manufacturer for the West. The time has come for us to branch out on our own and develop our own brand products. The potential is out there. Realization of this dream is only around the corner.
I have reached the conclusion that the attainment of the Master's degree is my number one priority at this stage in my life. Not only would I be able to access an incredible faculty and student body, but I would also be able to conduct extensive work on communications networks and B-ISDN in your laboratories. The opportunity to work with high caliber like-minded individuals will truly be the chance of a lifetime. In conclusion, I would like to express the incredible value of a graduate education to my future career. If one wishes to make a difference in this industry, then one should take the time to undertake further academic training. This is a very important requisite. While my undergraduate education and working experience thus far have given me an adequate beginning in this career, I am only limited by my lack of a graduate education. This should serve merely as a backdrop to conduct the truly meaningful research that I would associate with my graduate studies. Upon completing this program, I would like to return to Taiwan and begin working towards the development of this country's homegrown telecommunications industry. This will be the most satisfying endeavor that I could ever hope to undertake.

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发表于 2008-10-3 12:20:32 | 显示全部楼层
这贴太好了 LZ好人那  万分感谢

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-10-3 19:32:29 | 显示全部楼层
说实话 范文写的不是很好

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发表于 2008-10-3 19:34:55 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-10-20 16:26:53 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-10-27 17:02:17 | 显示全部楼层
顶 顶 顶[.0340]

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