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[穿名堂] 超多图.跟最佳穿着Nicole Richie学穿衣,矮个美女别错过~

发表于 2006-11-29 10:05:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Nicole Richie身高只有155CM.和pairs一样是1981年出生的.大家看看她是如何穿衣的吧.特别是矮个美女们哦....她155的身材居然可以把衣服穿得这么好看,得益于搭配和服装设计师们.照片中看不出来她这么矮吧?哈哈~C this funny pic.this is nicole richie,hehe

妮可·里奇(Nicole Richie)虽然还只是好莱坞的小明星&from=forum8" target=_blank>明星,但一举一动却颇具巨星风范,尤其从2005年开始,多次被美国、英国等著名时尚媒体评选为最佳穿穿着女星。
生日: 1981年9月21日

  星座: 处女座

  身高: 155cm

        更值得一提的是Nicole Richie身高只有155CM,完全不属于欧美&from=forum8" target=_blank>欧美身材,我们东方的MM可以好好学习学习啦!       不过她在2004年前可是是个十足的胖丫头,偶觉得一点都不好看的,经过成功的减肥后和之后造型&from=forum8" target=_blank>造型的改变后简直是丑小鸭变天鹅喽!


  星座: 处女座

  身高: 155cm

        更值得一提的是Nicole Richie身高只有155CM,完全不属于欧美&from=forum8" target=_blank>欧美身材,我们东方的MM可以好好学习学习啦!       不过她在2004年前可是是个十足的胖丫头,偶觉得一点都不好看的,经过成功的减肥后和之后造型&from=forum8" target=_blank>造型的改变后简直是丑小鸭变天鹅喽!

Nicole Richie是歌手Lionel Richie的养女,好莱坞的社交名媛之一,有黑人血统。

  曾几何时,她只是名门豪放女Paris Hilton身边的绿叶,在经历地狱式减肥后,体重只有34公斤。在好莱坞大名鼎鼎的形象设计师Rachel Zoe的指点下,Nicole独具个人特色的混搭风格日益成熟,她也逐渐成为狗仔队镜头下的主角。尤其从2005年开始,Nicole多次被美国、英国等著名时尚媒体评选为最佳穿着女星,也是当下美国高中女生的时尚风向标。

  风头正劲的她却与闺蜜Paris Hilton分道扬镳,据说是因为Nicole把Paris以前的性爱录像带给Paris当时的男友看(虽然后来也分了),让Paris很难堪,使得儿时便玩在一起的好姐妹反目成仇。








这个时期Nicole Richie的身材看上去是很胖的,包括脸也看上去圆圆的,整体都不怎么好看,更别说出众&from=forum8" target=_blank>出众了,偶觉得她只有当绿叶的份



 媒体说nicole richie是几乎不吃东西的,可能3,4天吃一顿~~天天呆在健身馆里

她长的并 不出众,但打扮的相当靓丽,这才使得人们更愿意注意她~~比起天生丽质的明星而言,可能更具有说服力~~



customer_id=409555&photo_type=big&checksum=3cd8d348ae784b56961034ea34055792" width=266 border=0>

在和Paris发生矛盾决裂后,Nicole个人雇用了Rachel Zoe(形像设计师),她几乎把nicole从头到脚都改变。首先是头发,Nicole以前是长发的,后来Rachel叫她剪了,然后当然就是衣着。


nicole richie,著名歌星Lionel richie的养女,好莱钨的社交名媛之一,原本和paris hilton是密友,两人联袂主演的真人秀节目simple life很受欢迎,可众所周知,演完simple life 2 之后二人就说什么也不肯再合作了,据说是因为nicole把paris以前的性爱录像带给paris当时的男友看(虽然后来也分了),让paris很难堪,使得儿时便玩在一起的好姐妹反目成仇。  说实在的,像paris那种“豪放”的种种言行真是很让人吃不消,但nicole richie我还真是蛮喜欢的~比paris好太多~瘦完身之后整个人都靓了好多~而且她狂会穿衣,如今美国的高中女生都喜欢研究她怎么穿衣并效仿,狗仔们对她也是紧追不舍~~~

nicole去年被权威杂志《人物》评为最会穿衣十人的头名,说她完美诠释了casual glam —休闲魅力~“girls everywhere copy her",原话,哈哈~~


Nicole Richie
  Nicole Richie的完美身材在黑色超短抹胸礼服下更显性感,修长的美腿在豹纹的陪衬下更加动人,使踏出的每一步都别具风韵,当然一款金色的手镯也会给整体提分。

身旁的这个女人,就是美国大名鼎鼎的造型师RACHEL ZOE,是她让NICOLE RICHIE脱胎换骨,她也是LINDSAY LOHAN的造型师,不过LL有时会换人



nicole richie,著名歌星Lionel richie的养女,好莱钨的社交名媛之一,原本和paris hilton是密友,两人联袂主演的真人秀节目simple life很受欢迎,可众所周知,演完simple life 2 之后二人就说什么也不肯再合作了,据说是因为nicole把paris以前的性爱录像带给paris当时的男友看(虽然后来也分了),让paris很难堪,使得儿时便玩在一起的好姐妹反目成仇。  说实在的,像paris那种“豪放”的种种言行真是很让人吃不消,但nicole richie我还真是蛮喜欢的~比paris好太多~瘦完身之后整个人都靓了好多~而且她狂会穿衣,如今美国的高中女生都喜欢研究她怎么穿衣并效仿,狗仔们对她也是紧追不舍~~~

nicole去年被权威杂志《人物》评为最会穿衣十人的头名,说她完美诠释了casual glam —休闲魅力~“girls everywhere copy her",原话,哈哈~~


Nicole Richie
  Nicole Richie的完美身材在黑色超短抹胸礼服下更显性感,修长的美腿在豹纹的陪衬下更加动人,使踏出的每一步都别具风韵,当然一款金色的手镯也会给整体提分。

身旁的这个女人,就是美国大名鼎鼎的造型师RACHEL ZOE,是她让NICOLE RICHIE脱胎换骨,她也是LINDSAY LOHAN的造型师,不过LL有时会换人

 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-29 10:07:00 | 显示全部楼层



 娇小的Nicole Richie懂得用“大”物件突破自己,比如一条能将所有注意力集中的丝巾,联想至她养父的歌星出身,她完全有理由嬉皮下去。

nicole richie,著名歌星Lionel richie的养女,好莱钨的社交名媛之一,原本和paris hilton是密友,两人联袂主演的真人秀节目simple life很受欢迎,可众所周知,演完simple life 2 之后二人就说什么也不肯再合作了,nicole richie瘦完身之后整个人都靓了好多~而且她狂会穿衣,如今美国的高中女生都喜欢研究她怎么穿衣并效仿,狗仔们对她也是紧追不舍~~~所以,我也就来奉献一些nicole的美美的街照拉~~~~慢慢享用~~~

减肥狂人Nicole Richie的最新超瘦照,你也想瘦成这样吗?

Side-on she almost disappears.

Sporting a quiff and a healthy face in February 2004.

More questionable headwear as she arrives for a car show later in the month.

She arrives for the Vanity Fair Oscar party in a glitzy gown and looks every inch the glamour puss in February 04.

A close up of Nic reveals a nicely covered frame.

She shows off her shapely legs in Jan 04.

Nicole opts for a bizarre hat in the same month.

Questionable hair in December 2003.看看她2003年的俗气样子!!!而且超级肥

At the Billboard Awards in December she opts for a skimpy white outfit and looks fine.

And later the same month she shows off a crazy hairdo.她以前的长头发造型很难看,后来把头发剪短了,马上换了一个人似的.

Nicole looks pretty in pink.

In October 2003 she takes to the catwalk - and looks a regular weight.

Three months later in July 03, she changes her hairstyle...

In April 2003, 21-year-old Nicole looks healthy and natural.

It's not the first time that pictures of Nicole Richie have caused concern.The reality TV star has been snapped on a Malibu beach in mid-August, looking very thin.Her chest bones are very prominent...

Before her recent confession to Vanity Fair, Nicole has refused to be drawn on her weight loss.

Pencil-thin back in November 2005.

Her head sometimes looks too big for her body.

It's a wonder she can find clothes to fit her tiny body.


Even her bikini hangs off her in December 2005.

Nicole Richie And Her WeightWaif-like.

Back in October 2005, Nicole doesn't look very cheery as she goes out for lunch.

Her tiny frame is almost childlike.

The oversized shades only accentuate how diddy she is.

And her handbag almost looks like a suitcase.

In her bikini, Nicole almost disappears when she stands sideways on in July 2005.

Nicole in June - showing a worryingly tiny frame.

Posing with her mate Lindsay Lohan - herself a big loser of weight - Nicole looks painfully thin.

Sideways on there is literally nothing to Nicole as she poses with her boyfriend DJ AM in June 2005.

Tiny weeny in May 05

Just look at those teeny arms.

In May 2005, her oversized red dress only highlights how much weight she's lost.

There's not a lot of spare meat on Nicole in April 2005...

Here she's showing off her ample boobs again in July 2004.

She looks super gorgeous in this white suit in June 2004.

What's with the pirate scarf?

Looking casual and relaxed in jeans and a sweatshirt.

With classy Hollywood hair, Nic reveals that cleavage again in May 2004.

With her then buddy Paris Hilton, there isn't a trace of those pokey arms anywhere, in April 2004.

More stylish dresses, as Nicole shows off her cleavage.

In March 2005 we first caught a glimpse of a very skinny Nicole.

Looking glam in yellow - but the dress is ever so slightly baggy in Feb 05.

There's the start of 'that' pose and her boobs seem to have shrunk from how they used to be - in December 2004.

A healthier looking Nicole in October 04.

Nicole looks absolutely stunning in this frock - which shows off her figure to perfection in autumn 2004.

Before the weight loss, Nicole looks like a different person - in September 2004.这个是减肥前照片,大家对比一下哈.是2个人的感觉


Just look as those amazing boobs in September 2004.

The arms are starting to show signs of a bit of shrinking in Sept 04.

Later that month, Nic goes for a floaty frock and keeps her arms tucked behind her.

Note the top of the arms - all healthy and slightly fleshy in August 2004.

Nicole Richie: 'I Think I Look Okay'Nicole Richie admits in a new interview that in some pictures she "definitely" looks too thin, but insists that when she looks in the mirror, "I think I look okay."On an episode ofThe Tyra Banks Showairing Tuesday, Richie, 24, tells Banks, "I definitely wouldn't mind gaining a few more pounds at all. I think that people's weight fluctuates. It happens. It happens to everybody."She also blames her thin appearance on stress – "A lot of people gain weight under stress and a lot of people lose weight under stress and I am one of those people that loses weight," she says – and her body type: "I am naturally a thin person and I am 5'1" and putting on five or 10 pounds, that looks like a lot on me."Another factor: misleading paparazzi photos. "I know that the photographers that follow me every day, they are looking for some sort of – something wrong, a picture with a bone sticking out," she says. "You bend a certain way, they get the shot."In fact, paparazzi are so omnipresent in Richie's life that she says she rarely goes out during the day. "I do not leave my house and if I do, I go with a group of people," she tells Banks. "I feel like a prisoner in my own home."One photographer made her cry recently, she says, by making vulgar comments implying she had an eating disorder. "I just broke down. … You can't talk to people like that. If someone is anorexic, that's a serious disease," she says. "I would never say if someone was losing their hair they had cancer. You can't say someone has a disease if they don't."Asked straight out if she's anorexic, Richie says, "Absolutely not. One-hundred percent not. I am not anorexic. I am not bulimic. I do not have a eating disorder."Still, she says she is seeing a therapist weekly and recently hired a nutritionist to help her deal with stress and put on pounds. "I just thought it was important to get the right team around me to make sure whatever I put in my body is helping me put on weight," she says, "and slowly but surely, I am doing so."

Nicole Richie and beau Brody Jenner 她和她的男友

See how she gently nibbles, just the corner off of a saltine cracker? Ha! That’s what it looks like. What she needs is a nice big Pot Roast with all the trimmings.

Nicole Richie and Adam Goldstein are either engaged to be married or have split up again. Or, possibly, both.


我猜Nicole Richie最爱的包包肯定就是BALENCIAGA这款经典&from=forum8" target=_blank>经典的机车包了,她几乎拥有了各个颜色的这款包包啊!机车包是法国老牌子BALENCIAGA在2000年重出江湖、一炮而红的经典商品。机车包介于中性&from=forum8" target=_blank>中性的设计,有别于淑女&from=forum8" target=_blank>淑女包,独特拉炼皮革须须,骑车时单手就能打开,因此有个机车包的称号。

Nicole Richie And Her WeightAnd her arms look tiny.
And her arms look tiny.
Back on dry land, Nic looks uber tiny in this all-in-one combo.

It was only back in June that Nicole looked like she might have turned a corner in a bid to put on weight.Although she has never admitted to having any kind of eating disorder, she did reportedly hire a nutritionist to help her gain weight.

And her face and back started to look much healthier.

Pictured in her bikini, in June, the picture on the right showed that her hip bones didn't jut out as much and her waist looked a little curvier than in the picture on the left - taken back in December 2005.

At the beginning of May, Nicole Richie admitted to Vanity Fair magazine that she was too thin, saying: "I know I'm too thin right now, so I wouldn't want any young girl looking at me and saying, 'That's what I want to look like.'"

Nic's sunglasses are almost as big as her face here.

There have been fears for her health after her weight dropped dramatically over the last year.

Her frame is diddy.

Clothes seem to swamp her.

Sometimes she looks so fragile.


Paris Nicole水火不容 真人骚提早结束 Nicole Richie  希尔顿酒店太子女Paris Hilton与死敌Nicole Richie合演的电视真人骚,惨遭电视台取消拍摄,但Paris却不以为然,声称忙于手头上的工作,看来回复单身的Paris生活无忧!
前日二十世纪霍士电视台宣布,取消播出新一季的《The Simple Life》,但否认是因主角Paris Hilton和Nicole Richie的仇恨关系导致,并解释主要原因是本季的节目编排太密,根本没有档期推出。不过,美国其他电视频道对节目感到兴趣,大有机会“借尸还魂”。Paris被旧男友出卖春宫带而一夜成名,她演出的电视真人骚《The Simple Life》,令她保持曝光率。Paris在节目中与歌手Lionel Richie的女儿Nicole拍档,两人被送到穷乡僻壤生活,却鸡手鸭脚,不改大小姐作风,四处惹事。
节目至今已拍摄了三季,仍然颇受欢迎。不过,Paris今年四月开始与Nicole反目成仇,还公开说:“她不在是我的朋友,她做过什么坏事,她自己知道! ”两人稍后分别与男友订婚,Paris曾建议由她好友、洛史钊活女儿金芭莉顶替Nicole,但不被接纳,制作单位亦曾度桥分开拍摄两人试做人妻令节目延续。

Fox TV "White Hot Winter" Network Party


Nicole Richie i Paris Hilton


13th Annual Race to Erase MS Sponsored by Nancy Davis and Tommy Hilfiger - Arrivals


13th Annual Race to Erase MS Sponsored by Nancy Davis and Tommy Hilfiger - Show

13th Annual Race to Erase MS Sponsored by Nancy Davis and Tommy Hilfiger - Red Carpet

DJ AM's Surprise Birthday Party at PURE

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-29 9:12:35编辑过]


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-29 10:17:00 | 显示全部楼层

DJ AM's Suprise Birthday Party at PURE

2006 Vanity Fair Oscar Party Hosted by Graydon Carter - Arrivals


14th Annual Elton John AIDS Foundation Oscar Party Co-hosted by Audi, Chopard and VH1 - Inside

Olympus Fashion Week Fall 2006 - Michael Kors - Front Row and Backstage

Olympus Fashion Week Fall 2006 - Marc Jacobs - Front Row and Backstage

Olympus Fashion Week Fall 2006 - Oscar de la Renta - Front Row and Backstage

GQ Celebrates 2005 " Men Of The Year " - Arrivals

Coach Flagship Store Opening on Rodeo Drive

Motorola's Seventh Anniversary Party to Benefit Toys for Tots - Red Carpet

T-Mobile Sidekick II Custom Series Launch Party - Red Carpet

Movieline Hollywood Life's Hollywood Style Awards - Red Carpet and Cocktail Party

Teen Vogue Young Hollywood Issue Party - Inside


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