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十不青年 在日本的你 中招没

发表于 2024-5-13 12:17:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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"十不青年" is a Chinese term that emerged in early 2024 to describe a group of young people who are allegedly disengaged from society and unwilling to participate in traditional social norms and expectations. The term is often used in a derogatory or critical way, but it can also be seen as a reflection of the challenges and pressures facing young people in China today.
The ten behaviors or attitudes that are typically associated with "十不青年" are:
* 不献血 (not donating blood)
* 不捐款 (not donating money)
* 不结婚 (not getting married)
* 不生小孩 (not having children)
* 不买房 (not buying a house)
* 不买彩票 (not buying lottery tickets)
* 不入股市 (not investing in the stock market)
* 不买基金 (not buying mutual funds)
* 不扶老人 (not helping the elderly)
* 不感动 (not being moved by anything)
These behaviors are often seen as signs of apathy, selfishness, and a lack of social responsibility. However, it is important to note that there are many reasons why young people might choose to engage in these behaviors. For example, the high cost of living in China may make it difficult for young people to afford to get married, buy a house, or have children. Additionally, some young people may have lost faith in traditional institutions such as marriage and the government, which may lead them to disengage from society altogether.
The "十不青年" phenomenon has been the subject of much debate in China. Some people argue that it is a serious problem that needs to be addressed, while others argue that it is simply a reflection of the changing times. Ultimately, the "十不青年" phenomenon is a complex issue with no easy solutions. However, it is an important issue to be aware of, as it sheds light on the challenges and pressures facing young people in China today.
发表于 2024-5-13 12:22:04 | 显示全部楼层
👍*不献血 (not donating blood)
👍*不捐款 (not donating money)
👎* 不结婚 (not getting married)
👎* 不生小孩 (not having children)
👎*  不买房 (not buying a house)
👎* 不买彩票 (not buying lottery tickets)
👍* 不入股市 (not investing in the stock market)
👍* 不买基金 (not buying mutual funds)
👍* 不扶老人 (not helping the elderly)
👎* 不感动 (not being moved by anything)

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发表于 2024-5-13 13:03:52 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2024-5-13 13:09:26 | 显示全部楼层

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