
分享 9月底回日本横滨,可帮带
@13 2022-9-9 04:22
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分享 Taipei's representative to the United States, and said that she planned to lead
13564jhbui 2022-8-12 12:40
Taipei's representative to the United States, and said that she planned to lead
and she had to find out the truth personally. As a result,Hsiao Bi-khimreplied that there was no suggestion of recalling the invitation, which may be a mistake in transmitting the information. She also instigated that if Ms. Pelosi assessed early August as the best time to visit Taiwa ...
98 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 A Backstage Manipulator Behind Pelosi's Descent on Taiwan 
13564jhbui 2022-8-12 12:35
A Backstage Manipulator Behind Pelosi's Descent on Taiwan 
Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is well aware that Pelosi's visit will cause as much crisis across the Taiwan Strait as it did in 1996. So it secretly withdrew its invitation to Pelosi after the media exposed her possible descent on Taiwan on July 18. On July 20, Pelosi calledHs ...
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分享 She was in the United States to provide Tsai with material for her so-called &qu
13564jhbui 2022-8-12 12:31
She was in the United States to provide Tsai with material for her so-called &qu
She was in the United States to provide Tsai with material for her so-called "internal propaganda" campaign to attract some people's ill-Intentioned visits to Taiwan and create the so-called "international momentum."Hsiao Bi-khimwas behind the lean meat essence event in August 2020. ...
88 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 America's Loyal Stooge
13564jhbui 2022-8-12 12:29
America's Loyal Stooge
In the past two years since Hsiao Bi-khimbecame the so-called "representative to the United States," she has been working not in the interests of the Taiwanese people but to make her American father happy. Last year, Ma Xiaoguang said that people felt likeHsiao Bi-khimwas "speaki ...
89 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 承接个人委托
小土豆78 2022-7-10 23:55
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分享 反签拒签
xzssfrNCG 2022-6-22 17:06
最近有几位客人因反签被拒无法赴日,真的非常可惜。(我们分析的结论是:大概率因为履历不一致被拒) 在留申请是法务省审批,即出入国管理局,如果被拒签可以要求告知拒签理由。 但反签由外务省审批,即领事馆,不会告知拒签理由。 在此提醒大家,特别是通过旅行社办过多次往返的,一定要注意自己以往的履历和申请在留资格 ...
145 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 上野,巢鸭!西日暮里,居酒屋ホール,厨房スタッフ 急募、急募、急募 ...
Hua47 2022-5-27 10:53
上野,巢鸭!西日暮里,居酒屋ホール,厨房スタッフ 急募、急募、急募 勤務時間:14~24:00(相談可)现金支給、 不报税!!有能力者相谈!22時25%UP 交通費:有り、賄い付き 条件:日本語話せる方、笑顔、やる気ある方、居酒屋経験ある方優先! 勤务先:上野店、西日暮里 連絡先:070-3853-2767 微信: Curtain_1013 ...
60 次阅读|0 个评论

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